I took the plunge and went to Austria, Salzburg to be exact, for a few months. Because life is just too short to waste it.
I am interning at the Salzburg Global Seminar in the library there.
I arrived on Thursday. Jet lag ruled for a while. Well until Friday evening. Adjusting nicely now.
Settled into my room. It's not a bad space. A little too much IKEA for my personal tastes, but comfortable. It's the bed that is hard to adjust to. A bit small after the queen sized Stickley at home.
I worked a bit on Friday in the library. I have my own office in the library that looks out over the mountains. Very pretty. The library is a great space, but underused. Well it's something to work on.
Met the other interns here slowly. Which is nice. All are fun and interesting. I'm really enjoying getting to know them.
I've been indulging what Dad and my grandfather would call the 'Shand nose' by walking around the schloss. Oh, did I mention that my internship is in a palace? While I am not staying in the schloss, my office is there. So I've been doing some exploring of the place. It's seriously beautiful. Now that I have a new digital camera(the old one mysteriously died) I can start posting photos of the schloss and the grounds.
The Meierhof(where I stay) is great too. More modern, as you can see. Also has a kitchen, a gym, a small cafe, and a hang out room for interns.
Also saw some of Salzburg on Saturday. Got seriously lost. Sigh. But that too will get better.
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